
"Encouraging positive choices, building better futures."


Crook County Juvenile Department Mission Statement:

  • Protect the community by holding youth offenders accountable for their actions in a fair and consistent manner by providing resources and opportunities for positive change.
  • Provide immediate, effective response and assistance to youth and their families in our community.
  • Assist the youth of the community in becoming responsible members of society.
  • Encourage family involvement and responsibility by building and cultivating family strengths.
  • Support crime victim restoration.
  • Respect and celebrate diversity and offer services that are culturally competent and appropriate. 

To accomplish our mission, the staff of the Crook County Juvenile Department will:

  • Be honest and ethical
  • Respect the dignity of each person
  • Cultivate community partnerships
  • Recognize, celebrate and communicate achievement and successes.
  • Develop as a team; keeping highly motivated

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